Wednesday 23 January 2008


These comments on the draft London manifesto (for the Greater London Authority and Mayoral elections on 1 May 2008), by P.Murry Green Party TU group secretary 21/01/2008, are not exhaustive or comprehensive any GP member who wishes to make further comment or see the Draft manifesto should contact Shahrar Ali at

The manifesto will also be discussed at the GPTU meeting on 30/1/2008, (see website for details).

In the public services section there is the statement: "We will work with trade unions to defend, maintain and improve public services in London.” Such statements should be found in all parts of the manifesto (with the possible exception of ‘Animals’), and also be prominent in the introduction, together with an emphasis on our opposition to privatisation and marketisation and wish to reverse these things. GP is clearly doing a lot of things that TU’s will like and saying so explicitly can help to win votes. Few other parties in the GLA election can credibly claim to be working for the same aims as TU’s.

1. Transport should mention our affiliation to the Campaign Against Tube Privatisation and policy to renationalise all privatised transport. We should also support campaigning against station closures and campaign for all stations to be staffed whenever they are opening, which will encourage greater transport use, reduce crime and create jobs.

2. Local Economy: placing too much hope on entertainment industry to provide jobs, what about jobs from building a low carbon economy?

3. Energy and Waste: job creatrion should be mentioned

4. Public Services: Should Education have a separate heading and why is their no mention of Further and Higher education policies on fees, lifelong learning and grants? London has many colleges and unis and vast student population.

5. Housing and Health: should these be lumped together?

6. Equality and Diversity support for TU work with migrant workers

7. Policing: support for pay claim?

8. Food and Drugs

9. Animals

10. Environment should support: TU & TUC campaigns for greener workplaces and for workplace environmental reps

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